Case study


Company description

The GALERIA Kaufhof Group currently employs 21,500 people and currently operates 100 department stores, 60 DINEA restaurants and 14 sports stores in Germany as well as 16 department stores in Belgium. Around two million people visit the department stores' company's shops every day, making it one of the leading department stores' chains in Europe. The daily visits of around 2 million customers generated net sales of approximately EUR 3.1 billion in 2013/14.

Project description

Galeria Kaufhof offers its customers service on all channels. To further strengthen the e-commerce segment, the department stores' company developed its own online platform in 2015. The high-performance platform provides the technological basis for a rapidly growing online business and for the sustainable positioning of Galeria Kaufhof as a multichannel department stores', emphasises Klaus Hellmich, Managing Director Multichannel Retailing, Organisation and IT at GALERIA Kaufhof GmbH. In close cooperation with CareerTeam, an agile team of product managers, developers, designers and UX and platform specialists was set up. Particular attention was paid to ensuring that all candidates had not only gained experience in an innovative and agile environment, but were also able to move confidently within corporate structures. Agile development allows Galeria Kaufhof to work in parallel with different development teams and thus quickly implement new applications. It is also one of the core competences for quickly driving forward multichannel developments and services.

Case Study Galeria Kaufhof

Search process and outcome

Learning für CareerTeam

Einmal mehr erwiesen sich sowohl die konstruktive Partnerschaft mit den Schwesterfirmen der CareerTeam Group, als auch der datengetriebene Ansatz im Zusammenhang mit einem großangelegten, strategischen Projekt als äußerst vorteilhaft. So konnte die Provinzial NordWest trotz der höchst unterschiedlichen Stellenprofile den Suchauftrag in Gänze an CareerTeam geben. Als Teil der Full-Service-Agentur CareerTeam Group kann man den Clients die Ergebnisse aus einer Hand liefern. Die Standortproblematik wurde, wie auch in anderen vergleichbaren Fällen, mithilfe intelligenter Suchalgorithmen gelöst. Auf diese Weise konnten zahlreiche Talente gefunden werden, die in der Region Münster leben oder in der Vergangenheit Bezug dorthin hatten. Darüber hinaus half CareerTeams Input bezüglich möglicher Benefits und sonstiger Konditionen dabei, skeptische Candidates von einem Engagement zu überzeugen.

Gundula Pabst

Head of HR Marketing & Recruitment

CareerTeam supports us in the recruitment of digital executives and experts with really good candidates. The cooperation is very cooperative, always reliable and characterised by good advice.