Case study


Company description

Klöckner & Co is one of the world's largest producer-independent steel and metal distributors and a leading steel service centre company. With a sales and service network of around 200 locations in 14 countries, the Group's customer base comprises around 140,000 people. As a pioneer of digital transformation in the steel industry, Klöckner & Co has set itself the goal of digitalising the supply and service chain from start to finish.

Project description

In order to create sustainable value for its customers and suppliers faster than ever before, Klöckner is combining over a hundred years of experience with the same methods that have already led start-ups in Silicon Valley to success: radical user-centred thinking and entrepreneurial agility. CareerTeam has supported Klöckner in building interdisciplinary teams in the digital unit kloeckner.i. Thanks to CareerTeam's large digital network of managers and specialists, suitable talent was quickly found for the position. The structured and standardised search process ensured that all the proposed profiles not only mastered relevant start-up methods, but were also able to deal confidently with the digital change process within the Group.

CareerTeam was able to fill between 10 and 20 positions for Klöckner & Co.

Search process and outcome

Learning für CareerTeam

Einmal mehr erwiesen sich sowohl die konstruktive Partnerschaft mit den Schwesterfirmen der CareerTeam Group, als auch der datengetriebene Ansatz im Zusammenhang mit einem großangelegten, strategischen Projekt als äußerst vorteilhaft. So konnte die Provinzial NordWest trotz der höchst unterschiedlichen Stellenprofile den Suchauftrag in Gänze an CareerTeam geben. Als Teil der Full-Service-Agentur CareerTeam Group kann man den Clients die Ergebnisse aus einer Hand liefern. Die Standortproblematik wurde, wie auch in anderen vergleichbaren Fällen, mithilfe intelligenter Suchalgorithmen gelöst. Auf diese Weise konnten zahlreiche Talente gefunden werden, die in der Region Münster leben oder in der Vergangenheit Bezug dorthin hatten. Darüber hinaus half CareerTeams Input bezüglich möglicher Benefits und sonstiger Konditionen dabei, skeptische Candidates von einem Engagement zu überzeugen.

Angelika Kambeck

Head of Strategic Group HR

CareerTeam has given us access to a network of digital experts. We were able to build our digital unit from scratch and are extremely satisfied with the service.